Cancer Screening
Cancer screening is a proactive approach to detect cancer early when it is most treatable. At The Women’s Clinic, we prioritize women’s health by offering comprehensive cancer screening services tailored to individual needs, helping to identify potential health issues before they develop into more serious conditions.
Types of Cancer Screenings Offered
Breast Cancer Screening:
- Mammograms: Recommended annually for women over 40 or earlier for those with a family history. This imaging test helps detect breast abnormalities, potentially indicating cancer.
- Clinical Breast Exams: Conducted by trained healthcare professionals to physically examine the breasts for any unusual lumps or changes.
Cervical Cancer Screening:
- Pap Smear Tests: Recommended for women starting at age 21 and performed every three years or as advised. This test checks for precancerous changes in cervical cells.
- HPV Testing: Often performed alongside Pap smears, it detects the presence of human papillomavirus, a major cause of cervical cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Screening:
- Transvaginal Ultrasound: Used for women at high risk to monitor ovarian health and detect abnormalities.
- CA-125 Blood Test: Measures the level of the CA-125 protein, which may be elevated in women with ovarian cancer.
Importance of Early Detection
Early detection through regular cancer screening significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. Many cancers, when caught early, can be managed or cured, reducing the risk of advanced disease.